Saturday, January 28, 2012

Love story by Amelia

I think he’s gay.

He’s not gay.

I couldn’t get more obvious, he’s barely said a word.

That’s his version of flirting!

Apparently I'm going to have to step this up a notch.


  1. This just made be giggle out loud... "step it up a notch". Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girls's gotta do!

  2. Ha!! Perhaps he was employing the "better to say nothing and be thought a fool, rather than speaking and removing all doubt" approach? ;)

  3. This made me snort. Great dialogue.

  4. I laughed too. Loudly. This is great!

  5. I also really enjoyed this! Men can be quite mysterious!

  6. I will have to show this to my friend. Reminds me of our telephone conversations about a certain gentleman... "Or maybe he's gay..." - "I don't think so but then again..." *lol*

  7. Thank you for joining us for this week's Trifecta Challenge. I love these humorous responses. Not everyone feels comfortable going there, but I love that you do. Come play again this week.
