Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Flirt by Mindy

Three-way mirrors are assholes, she mouthed. Shirtless, she twisted from right to left, frowning at the tripled apron of flesh spread out and around the waistband of the jeans. She turned to the side and bent over to watch the dimpled mass collect under her breasts. She hung there and imagined lying on a meat slicer at the supermarket deli and having it shaved clean off. Swinging her arms like an elephant's trunk, she stomped in a stiff-legged circle then stood up and kneaded her belly like dough. She took off the jeans and cried. To shop, she thought, is to flirt with an eating disorder.


  1. I loved this from the opening line and think many, many people will see themselves reflected similarly in that three-way mirror.
    The image of the woman stomping like an elephant is brilliant.

  2. I love this piece, reminds me how much I loathe those brightly lit changing rooms!

  3. Loved it as well - The image of the slicing away flesh at the meat counter is especially powerful.

  4. Exceptionally well written. I enjoyed the read.

  5. I have had that exact same thought/wish about cleanly slicing away all of the excess and starting over again.
    I could feel this post through my whole body.

  6. Thank you for your submission to Week Four. I really enjoyed reading this. Those mirrors are brutal, and the overhead lighting doesn't help. Your elephant stayed with me all week. I hope we'll see you back in Week Five.
