Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Letter of Apology by C.D. Tolliver

Dear Mr. Charles:
Sorry for the type-Os.  Hopefully, no one will notice it says you “studded a broad”, “majored in Pubic Affairs” and “matricided at State” with a “Bachelor o Farts”.  Or that you’re an “alumna”.
Sincerely apoplectic,
Professional Curriculum Vitae & Resume Services


  1. You hit it out of the park with this one, C.D.

    Excellent!!! :D

  2. Apoplectic fits well in this piece. I imagine Mr. Charles identifies with that.

  3. Typos can be funny, when not painful. Thanks for the chuckle.

  4. Oh dear . . . maybe there WAS a reason for the previous letter. :)

  5. Typos cause me physical pain when it's too late to fix them.

  6. May I curse? I find sometimes apropos at certain times, this being one of them. For lack of a better, profane-free way of saying, this was f*cking great! There, I gave you the asterisk to make it less profane? :) Definitely, one of my favorites. Will be voting for you.
