Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lost by FKC

It was another rite of passage. Up and down all day as her growing boy played soccer with her bladder. Another routine trip completed, until she saw red dripping down to the floor.


  1. Oh my. Miscarriage is so tragic. This is a great story. Packs so much into so few words. Wow...Oh my. This is deep. So tragic! :(

  2. This piece is so touching and powerful while remaining concise great job.

  3. Thx ladies! The weekends easier to get into the swing of things.

  4. Oh no. I wish I thought she was far enough along for that. But of course, if that were the case, she wouldn't be in a post entitled Lost.

  5. Jesterqueen, do we know each other? I do not recognize the name. If I am reading your comment correctly, you appear to be asking whether this is about me. The answer is bot yes and no. It is not a out one particular event, but an amalgamation of several different experiences.

    Please remind me if we know each other and by what name we know each otther.

  6. This is a touch one to read and a tough one to write, I imagine. You've captured the sadness so well in such a short space. Thanks for linking up and we hope to see you for the weekday challenge too.
