Friday, February 24, 2012

Trifextra: Week 5 by Jester Queen

Ten years later, the mandible had the wrong shape and held one gold tooth. It didn’t match the skull, even though both criminals swore they only buried the one body in that hole.
At Trifecta, we've been asked to describe a picture of a man and a woman who look like they're straight off the set of CSI. They're sitting on a cot snuggling over a skull and jawbone. Since my own website is in flux, I'm submitting this week's post to Trifecta Anonymous. Most of the time, you can find me over at, but this weekend is something of an adventure while I migrate to self-hosting. 


  1. Hmmm...another piece that needs the dum dum DUUUUMMMMMMM!!! The mystery deepens :)

    good luck in your move to self hosted. I'm too scared to attempt it

    1. Be afraid of the downtime. I guessed right that they LIED to me. I'm down for the duration. BUT. Other than that, once I got the terminology straight, it's painless. I'm going to write a primer once I'm back up.

  2. Oy! Good luck on the move.

    I like the piece. It lends itself to more. Will you continue the story elsewhere?

    1. I might -- these weekend promts have consistently surprised me :)

  3. I like this. It leaves you with a question, always good.

    1. Yes! Are the criminals lying or did someone else borrow their hole!

  4. Always, always remember where you have buried the bodies.


  5. I like that there's more to the story: two criminals, possibly pointing fingers. Why the gold tooth, who is this body? Good job!
    Also, good luck with the blog move! I was nervous when I was going through all that. :)

  6. Like!

    Good luck with the site. I like the criminal angle. well done.

  7. Hehehhe... that was a great response!

    What is this about you moving? Will we still be able to find you?

  8. I just saw a really "bad" play last night with lots and lots of dun dun dunnnnnn ... and this is so much better. I want more ...

    Oh, and the singing was amazing last night (put my own delusions to complete shame) so there was a redeeming quality.

    Yours doesn't need one. Dun dun DUNnnnnnnnnnn ...

  9. Thanks for linking up this weekend. I'm glad you had the foresight to anticipate your site being down for a bit and the motivation to post this here instead. Good luck on the site move.

    I love the creepy responses this week. I love how many of our responses left us with more questions than answers. I like your tinkering with time here; it gives a lot of depth to a very short little story. Hope to see you back (one way or another) on Monday.
